Thursday, July 17, 2008


Last year while in Budapest for a TV show, I was invited to church by my friend Iwo, on a bright Sunday morning. As it was late September the leaves had begun turning red to greet the winter. On a quiet Sunday morning, I met Iwo outside the studio where we recorded our tv shows. Joined by another friend Patrick, we walked across the street where the tram tracks were hidden under the crisp leaves. We hopped on the tram that took us to Moscow Square. The square was vibrant with people dressed up going to church. I was eager to explore what the sermon would be like. I did not know what to expect, however when we reached the church, we were greeted by warm handshakes, joyful smiles... and hot coffee that indeed smelled great. On a chilly day, a cup of hot coffee and soulful music, being indoors felt blissful. Through the glass doors I could see the green garden and the valley. I felt great being in that environment. Soon the drums, the guitar and the singing faded and the pastor began the sermon with a story on gratitude.

The story was short yet intense and concluded with two simple words, "thank you." He spoke of how important it is to say, 'thank you' for all the good things we are blessed with. Often times, he said, we tend to become so focused on what we want that we become oblivious to what we have.

Hearing the pastor speak, I remembered this guy whom I had known in college. He lived in Washignton D.C... actually now that i recall correctly, he lived in The Future. He would call me and complain of how he did not have a job, but would forget to mention that he was about to graduate with honors. He often mentioned that he did not have a car, but never acknowledged the nice apartment he lived in. I always heard him aspiring for more and quite never heard him celebrate his achievements. This guy, I thought, could not be content and happy with all the great things that he was blessed with for he always looked at the glass half empty.

At some point or the other we have all known this guy. He visits everyone periodically. He is Mr. Negative (guys don't sweat, there are Ms. Negative's as well). There is a great way of keeping negative at bay... by be-friending the positive. We all have positive aspects in life yet at times we forget to celebrate our achievements. Often times the simple things go unnoticed or are taken for granted. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the education we receive, the fun we have, the support we get from our friends, significant others and the universe are all facets that contribute to our well being. Yet how many times do we thank and bless these things and people? I recently read somewhere that it is great to dream of what could be while being happy with what is.

Take a minute, rewind and think to yourself of what you aspired for five years ago? Did you put enough effort towards acheiving it? Do you have that now - even if its in small measures? If the answer is yes, then your dreams and aspirations are working for you. You just need to show gratitude, celebrate your little victories and wait for the magic to unfold. If nothing else, saying thank you will remind you of all the good things you have and bring you a smile. We could all use a smile. If you can not rejoice in what you have acheived this far, what makes you think that you will be able to do so even after you acquire a fortune?

Next time you tend to think of what you lack... stop and think of all that you have... and don't forget the two simple words, THANK YOU! Thank you for reading...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Simple Pleasures

The guilt of having gooey brownies baked by my lovely friend inspired a walk in the park this morning. At first it was as if I had to be initiated out of the sleep walker's club... but soon enough I started feeling upbeat and realized how lovely it was to connect with nature... the fresh air, the green grass, the chirping birds and music on the Ipod. Indeed... technology helps!

There are several things that appease the soul. Whether its connecting with a friend, laughing whole-heartedly, dancing, watching a great movie, snuggling up to read a book, or going for a drive in the rain. At times the small things in life offer great pleasures.

One of my favourite things is to wake up to the smell of coffee and indulge in hot french toasts dipped in maple syrup, while it rains outside! Its food for the soul. I love pets and find immense joy in playing with them.

To feel good everyday is an amazing way of life. Whether the joy is in playing an instrument, painting a picture, singing, reciting poetry, watering the plants, watching the sunset by the beach, sleeping an extra hour or writing a journal; it's a great getaway from the day to day nuances.

Often times we take things for granted, but the essence of living lies in savouring the good moments and showing gratitude. The simple pleasures are around and if we look for opportunities to enjoy something every day we will soon realize how the small things in life can make a big difference!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Making the Right Decisions!

With numerous options available to us today, making decisions does not come very easily to most. We all aspire to make sound decisions that would enrich our experiences and make our life's journey seem worthwhile.

Whether it is deciding where to study, what to study, where to eat or whom to date, it all boils down to making a choice between several available options. We make choices all the time. Even when we choose not to do anything, it is a choice that we make - of being idle. No decision is also a decision... a decision to stick to what is.

I have understood that decisions are not perfect or imperfect. A lot of life, I guess, is about trial and error. You win some and you lose some. Only if one could peek into the future and know the story ahead of time, decison making would be much easier - Wishful thinking! Life doesn't give away the story, however. We need to live the story and only then does it unfold step by step.

We take a shot at something and at times the choices we make prove to become great opportunities for advancement. While at other times when our chosen paths do not offer much happiness or success we seem to develop a feeling of something gone wrong. So how does one deal with the after-effects of a decision gone wrong?

Well, for starters, there is something called ACCEPTANCE. We have to accept what has alreay been. Once we have accepted that certain things have not gone the way we had planned, it is important to steer clear of negative thoughts such as regret and a sense of failure.

If a certain path has failed to meet our expectation, it doesn't mean that we have failed. So the second step is to not take things too personally. We have to understand that some outcomes are out of our control. What shape our choices will take is decided by the Universe. We can study for the exam but the result is not in our hands. So LETTING GO is a great thing to do. Instead of dwelling on the past and cribbing over spilt milk, it is beneficial to look ahead and create a better experience in the present by making new decisons. One of my favourite qoutes is, "If you want to have differently, you should do differently." Doing things the same way will get you the same result.

Life is not a film that can be edited. Although we can't go back and alter the scenes, we can always create new ones!! Life often gives multiple chances to re-create our dreams.

So if you are reminiscing over the past and feel that certain choices have not worked out, make new choices and begin anew! Life has something in store for everyone. The Universal supply is never short of miracles. You never know when, how and where you will find success. If a goal, a career choice or a love affair doesn't work, don't sweat - try another. Success might be waiting for you around the corner, but you need to be open to change!