Friday, October 10, 2008

Hidden Fortunes!

Once upon a time there was a cow who could fly.
Now that is such a lie!! ;)

Actually this not a story of a cow... It is a story of a man who was walking on his chosen path (that's more believable, isn't it?). We will call him JoJo (if you happen to be named JoJo, this story is not about you, it is purely fictitious).
JoJo had high hopes from life and had been walking for a while. This path was slightly bumpy and JoJo was starting to get tired. He could not see his dream anywhere on this path. So he began to wonder if this was worth his while. One fine morning, JoJo came across a telephone booth on his way and thought, "Maybe I could give God a call and ask for some help." He smiled and quickly went inside the booth to dial God's number. God was in a meeting so Angel-Girl, the secretary answered and told JoJo that God was busy but would be conveyed the message later. JoJo was disappointed but he couldn't do anything so he was soon on his way. The sun began to shine brightly and it became very hot n humid. JoJo was surprised by the weather conditions since this was November (hmmm... he must be walking in Mumbai). He stopped to get some water. As he was drinking water, JoJo had an idea!! He thought, "If I had a car, my journey towards my goal would become smoother. So why not call God and ask for a car?"

Excited about this, JoJo rushed to find another telephone booth. He went in and called God again. Angel-Girl answered and asked JoJo to leave a message. JoJo began to get impatient and told Angel-Girl about his wish to have a car. Angel-Girl said, "Sure, God has got your messages and has asked you to keep walking." JoJo was not convinced... yet he walked some more but didn't feel that God was hearing his prayers. So he decided to take things in his own hands. On the way, he met a man who informed JoJo of a junkyard where cars were free. JoJo could go there and pick a car of his choice. Delighted by this new found information, JoJo changed directions and began walking towards the junkyard. He was tired but excited to find a car that would assist him get to his destination faster.

As he approached the junkyard, he was over-joyed and spotted a small cherry red wagon. He thought, "Wow, this is ideal. Its small, its cute and it starts!" He quickly started the car and Voila... he was on his way to his chosen path. Five minutes into his dream drive, the wagon came to a halt. JoJo heard a loud noise as if something had busted. In the rear view mirror he saw black fumes. Oh, this car turned out to be a kill-joy, he thought. He stepped out and wondered, "Now what?" JoJo couldn't leave the car in the middle of the road, so he pushed it to a place where he could park this wagon. Now JoJo was even more tired and farthar away from his path. This made him nervous. "Whew!" JoJo took a deep breath, had an energy drink and started walking. He thought his effort to find a car went futile, it not only made him more tired but also wasted his time. Regretting his deviation, he kept going.

After a long walk, JoJo spotted something in a far corner. Intrigued by what it might be, he approached the object. To his surprise, it was a car! And not just any car, it was a brand new silver lambourgini. JoJo was thrilled to see such a beautiful car. Seeing no one in the vicinity he thought, "Wow, who must have put this car here, and whose is it?" Suddenly, he saw a phone booth and ran inside to call God. This time too, answered Angel-Girl. Before JoJo could say anything, she asked, "Do you like the car?" Confused, JoJo clarified which car was Angel-Girl talking about? She told him that the silver lambourgini was for him. God had placed it there even before JoJo made his first call. Hearing this, JoJo was appalled. Angel-Girl said, "JoJo, this was always there for you. This was part of your plan but you did not trust God. You took things in your own hands and managed to get a free wagon from the junkyard. Deviating from your path made you more tired, perhaps resentful and delayed your real fortune. Had you kept walking, you could have had this car sooner." JoJo aplogized for his foolishness and learned a significant lesson. He thanked Angel-Girl for her wisdom and this beautiful gift from God. He realaized that he was always meant to have this gift but only when he reached the place in his life when God wanted him to have it... no sooner and no later than destined. Like JoJo we too need to keep walking our chosen path in FAITH. There are hidden fortunes waiting for us on the way but we will only find them when we are meant to.