Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Are we asking the Right Questions?

Last weekend I finished reading Tony Robbins' Awaken the Giant Within. The big fat book revealed some lessons I hadn't learnt before. One of the lessons being how to change mental and emotional states - from feeling okay to feeling great; from perceiving the glass half empty to seeing it as half full. Its all in the mind and the mind is a powerful tool. However, how many of us are trained to think correctly? How many of us ask relevant questions? Mastering life skills is no cakewalk, we all know. So how do we do it?!

We could perhaps begin by paying attention to the quality of our inner conversation. Asking the right questions makes a lot of difference. So next time you catch yourself complaining, STOP and instead ask, "what is the situation teaching me?" Is your mental chatter relevant? Is your inner conversation assisting you in being happier? If not, then communicate differently. Ask, "how can I be happier, how can I acheive more, re-invent myself, make an impact, add value to myself and others or utilize my resources?" Each time you ask a different question you will discover a different answer.

The choice is ours, the decision is destiny's, teaches the book. So atleast ask yourself the right questions, make wise choices and leave the final decision to destiny!