Sunday, July 31, 2011

No Substitute for Happiness

There are a few days gifted to each one of us when everything seems right. When the weather is perfect and a good book, a hot cup of coffee, a lovely breeze easily manage to soothe the soul.  When thinking of someone brings a smile on our face and the love for life just blossoms. 

How I love those special days when the mundane turns magical, making the world seem like a better place.  I can think of many such times when inner joy reaches a different realm and there remains no substitute for happiness.  The initial brush of romance, the gentle gaze of a lover, the surprise gift outside your door, a lovely compliment from a stranger, a sudden act of kindness, a smile, a gesture of friendship - all these little things make life so magical.  I am sure you have had such days as well when you felt complete in the moment.   

Such days maybe plenty or rare
Either grounded in reality or floating here and there
When things seem boring and life seems slow
They are needed to give life a smooth flow
So do look for happiness in the rain
Love a little, laugh a lot and once in a while feel free to act a bit insane  
Let miracles happen to you and make 'em happen for others too
Remember to capture the moments that often woo you

When life offers precious gifts of joy camoflaged in a lovers gaze or in a child's smile
Unwrap and carry them along as for someone else you too walk that extra mile

There is no substitute for happiness
The more you have the better it gets