Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Law of Attarction

With eyes closed and their bodies relaxed, Linda, Nick and Suzie, intently listen to a voice that says, “Now you can attract anything you desire. Let go of doubt, have unwavering faith and allow it to manifest.” This voice is of Mike Dooley, author of the internationally acclaimed audio program, Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams.

Imagine Aladdin’s lamp and a genie saying, “Your wish is my command?” You could ask for an ideal relationship, a beautiful home, a luxurious vacation, a high flying career, fame or wealth. Sounds like a fantasy or a television commercial? No. It’s the law of attraction!
Michael Losier, in his book, the law of Attraction, describes this concept as, attracting to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to whether positive or negative. Serendipity, coincidence, luck; all refer to one phenomenon – the law of attraction.
Bob Proctor, author of You Were Born Rich, asserts “thought become things.” Whatever you focus on, manifests in your life. Hence, focus only on things, people and situations that you desire. If you wish for prosperity and abundance then focus on them. Whether aware or not, the law of attraction is always working. You think of an old friend and they call you; you wish for a DVD and you receive it as a gift; you visualize a promotion and within weeks you get it. Those aware of the power of deliberate thought attract their desires all the time. Author Rhonda Byrne’s best-seller, The Secret, outlines three steps to put this law into practice...
Ask - Be clear about what you want. Identify your desire, watch your inner conversation and shift the focus from what you don’t want to what you do want.

Believe - Believe that you can have it and raise the positive vibration. Tell yourself that you are in the process of attracting all that you desire. Have faith and let go of doubt.
Receive - Once your desire manifests, show gratitude and celebrate. You must begin by thanking the universe for all you have, affirms Lisa Nichols, co-author of Chicken Soup for the African American Soul. Being grateful makes you feel good and the universe responds to how you feel. So feel good now. When you follow your bliss you live in a constant state of joy. Unwavering faith shifts your energy and the universe brings what you desire.
“Imagine the universe as a catalogue and place your order,” says Dooley. Most worry about how it will happen but “the how” is the universe’s domain. Make sure your actions don’t contradict your desires. If you desire to attract something and your actions do not support your desire, then you send mixed messages to the universe. Dooley tells a story of a woman who did just that.

Linda wished for her ideal partner and became clear of what she desired. She made a list of qualities she wanted in her partner and visualized him. Months passed yet she didn’t attract anyone. One evening, she pulled into her garage and realized that her actions were contradicting what she wanted. Her car was parked in the middle of the garage; there was no room for her perfect partner to park his car. Her home was filled with things leaving no empty space for another person. She soon cleared the clutter, parker her car on one side of the garage and made space for her perfect partner. Soon she met a guy at a dinner party and a year later they were married. By making space in her life Linda sent the right message to the universe and it responded.
While the law works for believers, skeptics argue, “Did I attract the accident, the divorce, the sickness or the debt?” Experts counter-argue that sub-consciously you may be focused on negative things. If you worry about debt all the time you will attract more of it because the universe responds to your pre-dominant thoughts. Hence you need to stop observing what you lack. Replace negative programming with positive belief.
When you are feeling down, you can change that in an instant, says Proctor. Put on a beautiful piece of music, or start singing – that will change your emotion. Feel good because this feeling good goes out to the Universe as a signal and starts to attract more of itself to you.
Monitor your thoughts. Be clear of what you wish for. Attend to your joy because that you give attention to magnifies. The universe is your genie. Rub your secret lamp, place your order and let the magic begin.

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