Monday, April 12, 2010


Have you ever woken up feeling grumpy, tired or irritated? You drag yourself out of bed and stomp your toe... you curse your stars... spill the coffee and then you're running late for work... Whew, what a morning! By now, you are mad at destiny, the dog, the world and whoever comes in your view. One bad thing leads to another and you hear yourself saying, "I should have stayed in bed!"

We have all tried the 'stay in bed' technique but it hardly works. So how do we turn the grumpiness into gratitude? There is an easy way of shifting our energies. We can deliberately Reset. In an instant, we can reset our mood, perception and the vibrations we send out to the world. The process of re-setting energies is possible by changing two things: Our thoughts and the words we use. Canadian author, Michael Losier says that words create thoughts and thoughts create vibrations... either negative or positive. Its important to know that we can only send out one vibration at a time - positive or negative. If we want positive results, we need to have positive vibrations. So by changing the words we use, we change our thoughts and eventually we change the vibrations.

Let's test this theory. Since words are powerful tools that instigate thought, we need to be aware of the words we use day to day. We can now deliberately use words which will align our thoughts in a positive direction. If we try this simple technique for a few days we might be pleasantly surprised! Whenever something good happens and we talk about it, focus on it, celebrate it, we align our energies towards happier events. The same rule applies for negative things. So the trick is to not observe the negative for too long. If a negative thought visits the mind, quickly reset it with a positive thought. Let not one little unpleasant thing change the course of the entire day. Quickly switch the channel from negative to positive and move on. Diverting your mind by thinking of a wonderful event or person, listening to your favourite music or being thankful for whatever you have can make a big difference to your mood. So make the shift, reset and add some happiness to your day to make it more delicious!!

(DISCLAIMER: Some people love Grumpy for no other reason than the fact that over the years it has become their best friend. This write up is not for Grump Lovers who just refuse to let Grumpy go... its for those who wish to try and genuinely transform their energies).

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