Thursday, April 4, 2013

Things Money Can't Buy!

The other day while sipping coffee at a swank new cafe, I observed a couple sitting across endlessly arguing with one another looking very upset over something quite trivial and I thought, "money can buy the best coffee at a high end cafe but can it buy harmony between lovers? Can it buy true happiness? Can it buy peace and can it buy love?"  

Some would argue that it can buy love. After all, a lot of people consider someone's financial status before they get married to them.  Many guys are heard complaining that women are gold diggers and that they look at their cars before deciding whether to date them or not.  There are other insane versions of similar accusations made by wealthy women. 

Though money can buy convenience and it may even fetch you a significant other, it cannot ensure a smooth sailing relationship. Can money buy true love? I don't think so. You may have the biggest bank balance in the world but if there are no good relationships in your life, would you be happy alone?  Probably not! 

Money can get you to buy good food but can it get you a friend to share it with?  Well, I suppose it could if the friend is really hungry :) Jokes apart, like everything else money too has a place in life.  However, it is not everything.  It can buy luxury, it can buy travel and it can even buy fake companionship but it can't buy love, it can't buy peace and it can't buy happiness. For all the latter things we need a sound mind and a good heart.  

So the next time you are at a cafe with your lover don't just buy coffee, buy into their gaze and use your heart to show some love.  Often times in matters of the heart money loses its value.       

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