Thursday, April 4, 2013

What is it that Really Matters?

The other evening, while engaged in an animated conversation, a friend nonchalantly asked, "What is it that really matters in life?"  Is it money, success, career, good health or is it love, laughter, spending time pursuing our hobbies? Or is it a culmination of all these things and more?

Her question made me wonder what is it in life that really matters? Why is it that some people get so bogged down by frivolous things that don't matter all that much, while they stop pursuing what really does matter to them. 

Each individual has his/her own list of things that tops the chart. For some it could be love, happiness, joy, peace of mind and for others it could be a satisfactory occupation, comfort, money, assets, health, education or overall well being. A number of ingredients come together in creating a delicious life ... the list is endless.  

Different things drive different people.  For an insomniac a good night's rest is a blessing while for the unloved, a small hug is.  The question is, "what is important to you?  What is on your priority list now?  And what does really matter to you in this moment?  Once you know the answer, it becomes easier to pursue the relevant and discard the irrelevant. 

Energy spent on irrelevant things is energy wasted.  So if you happen to be in a spot where you feel uninspired, ask yourself, "What is it that really matters to me in this moment?"  Once you have the answer take inspired action and stop wasting energy on matters that do not serve you.  Only focus your attention to what matters the most and forget the rest. Life is unpredictable so the more good you can get out of good times, the better.    

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